Krishna vs Karna: Navigating Life’s Unfairness

Dhruv D Jaiswal
3 min readMay 10, 2024


A Dialogue Between Karna and Krishna on Life’s Challenges and Making the Right Choices.


In the shadow of the impending war, a tense exchange erupted between two legendary warriors. Karna, burdened by a lifetime of hardship, challenged Krishna, the symbol of righteousness. “Life has been cruel,” Karna roared, “Is it fair to blame me when fate dealt me such a bad hand?” Krishna’s calm reply, a reflection on his own struggles, would offer a profound lesson, not just for Karna, but for anyone facing adversity.

As you read the dialogue, consider the lessons it offers for navigating your own life’s challenges and the wisdom Krishna imparts to Karna about following the right path, no matter how difficult it may seem

Karna asked Krishna,

“My mother left me the moment I was born. Is it my fault I was born an illegitimate child? I did not get education from Dronacharya because I was considered a non-kshatriya. Parshuram taught me but then gave me the cursed to forget everything since I was a Kshatriya. A cow was accidentally hit by my arrow and its owner cursed me, for no fault of mine. I was disgraced in Draupadi’s Swayamvar. Even Kunti Maata finally told me the truth, but only to save her other sons. Whatever I received was through the Duryodhana’s charity. How am I wrong in taking his side? Please tell me, Krishna.”

Krishna replied,

“Karna, I was born in A jail. Death was waiting for me even before my birth. The night I was born, I was separated from my birth parents. From childhood, you grew up hearing the noises of swords, chariots, horses, bows, and arrows, while I grew up among cow herds and dung. Multiple attempts were made on my life even before I could walk. I had no army and no education.

“I could hear people saying that I was the reason for all their problems. When all of you were being appreciated for your valor by your teachers, I had not even received any education. I joined the Gurugul of Rishi Sandipani only at the age of 16.

“Karna, you are married to a girl of your choice whom you love. But I did not get the girl I loved; but rather, I ended up marrying those who wanted me or those I rescued from demons. I had to move my entire community from the banks of Yamuna to far-off Dwarka to save them from Jarasandha. I was called a Coward for running away.

“If Duryodhana wins the war, you would receive much credit. But what do I get if Dharma Raj wins the war? Only the blame for the war and everyone’s curses? Remember one thing, Karna: Everybody has challenges in life. Life is not fair on anybody. Duryodhana also has a lot of unfairness in life, and so has Yudhhishthir.

“But what is right is known to your mind. The Dharma is known to your conscience. No matter how much unfairness we face, how many times we are disgraced, or how many times we are denied what was due to us, what matters is how we react in those moments.

Stop Whining Karna, Life’s UNFAIRNESS does not give you the license to walk the wrong path of Dharma.”

Always remember, Life may be tough at a point, but DESTINY is not created by the SHOES we wear but by the STEPS we take ^_^

Key Takeaway:

What Krishna really meant to make Karna understand was –

life has been unfair to you and a certain person has been good to you, who is essentially a threat to the entire society; you will, in the end, have to choose your conscience above the person. It is the right dharma.

Sulking in self-pity has never given any solution. However, when you stand up many times to hold yourself erect and speak your truth, you release yourself from all the unnecessary drama.

This world is a stage and we are all mere characters fulfilling the destiny of the biggest play of all time we call Life. Universe has a way of manifesting things and we are all in

Life is a lesson and one should accept all they are to experience.


