Harnessing the Power of Negative Thoughts

Turning negative thoughts into positive actions

Dhruv D Jaiswal
3 min readApr 13, 2024

Many believe you can replace a negative thought with a positive one, but in reality, thoughts cannot be forcibly removed. The harder you try, the more persistent the thought becomes, clinging to you as you attempt to forget it.

Today I would like to share some simple steps to deal with those negative thoughts without fighting them. To use the energy of negative thought to drive it into a more positive state of mind.

Firstly, recognize that negative feelings serve as indicators to help you identify what you truly value in life. They are not weaknesses but signals. If addressed properly, they can aid you in understanding yourself better.

Right Questioning is the beginning of intelligence

✓ Simply sit with yourself and ask these five questions.

✓ Take a notebook and pen if you wish.

(These questions will help you to be in the present moment and cultivate more wholesome qualities. ^_^)

1. Identify Thoughts that Disturb Peace

  • Start by asking yourself “ What thoughts keeps me away from peace? ”.
  • Recognize the weaknesses unique to you that disrupt your peacefulness.
  • Examples include anger, jealousy, procrastination, or laziness.

2. Bring Awareness to the Present Moment

  • Ask yourself, “ What am I thinking right now?
  • This question helps bring your mind to the present moment.
  • Most minds dwell in the past or future, so focusing on the present is crucial.

3. Evaluate the Helpful Nature of Your Thoughts

  • Question “ Is this thought pattern helpful for me? ”.
  • Consider the drawbacks and negative consequences of negative states in long term like anger.
  • Understanding the disadvantages makes it easier to avoid harmful thought patterns.

4. Determine the Best Course of Action

  • Instead of staying in a negative state, ask yourself “ What is the best thing to do instead of staying in this negative state?
  • For instance, letting go of anger or forgiving can lead to peace.
  • The most amazing thing is that we all know what is good and bad.
  • Identify solutions to shift from negativity to positivity.

5. Reflect on the Benefits of Positive Thinking

  • Consider the question “ What are the benefits of cultivating this positive state of mind?
  • Reflect on the rewards of forgiveness, overcoming jealousy, or being productive.
  • Understanding the benefits motivates you to maintain positive states of mind.

6. Take Action and Maintain Consistency

  • Finally, take action on the insights gained. Take baby steps and be Realistic.
  • But remember, none of these things are easy in our life. We will fail when we are doing these things.
  • Consistency is key, even if you face challenges or setbacks.
  • Keep reminding yourself of the Rewards & the Pain you will bear if you don’t do it now. i.e. Use Fear & Pleasure to motivate you.
  • Cultivate wholesome qualities in your mind and practice positive thinking.


By following these steps and consistently practicing self-reflection and positive thinking, you can effectively manage negative states of mind and cultivate a more peaceful and harmonious mental state. Remember, it takes effort and persistence, but the rewards of a positive mindset are worth it.

Tip — When dealing with emotional thoughts, it is best to approach them like children. Allow them to express themselves and try to understand the message they are conveying. Accept your child, his mistakes & have faith in him. Don’t be too Harsh😊


^o^ You Can connect with me on Instagram, Linkedin .

